Favor free weight training over machines for greater strength development and a better testosterone response. Over and over again, free weights have been shown to be superior to machine-based training for building strength, size, and improving performance.
A new study presented at the Eighth International Conference on Strength Training in Norway tested the effect of performing a heavy weight training session using the squat or leg press on hormone response. Trained men performed 6 sets of 10 reps using 80 percent of the 1 RM for the barbell squat or leg press exercise in a cross over design, and hormone response was tested.
Results showed that testosterone increased more than 50 percent more following squat training than the leg press workout. Growth hormone also increased more than three times more in the squat trial than the leg press exercise.
Cortisol increased more in the squat trial, although this value was not considered statistically significant.
In addition, the testosterone-to-cortisol ratio was much more favorable in the squat trial due to the large testosterone response, which suggests that the anabolic benefits of free weight training are dramatic.
Quelle: http://www.charlespoliquin.com/Blog/tabid/130/EntryId/1830/Tip-507-Favor-Free-Weights-Over-Machines-For-Greater-Strength-and-Testosterone-Response.aspx
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