XING-Profil - Jörg H.Linder

Jörg H. Linder

Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013

Training der Gesäßmuskulatur / Glute-Training

 2 Tipps für das Training der Gesäßmuskulatur (Glute-Training):

Train throughout a full range.  

Partial-range training does have benefits, especially in the area of strength development, but for maximal glute development you should perform exercises throughout a full range of motion. This is especially true with exercises such as back squats, front squats, split squats and step-ups – exercises that are often performed with a limited range of motion in order to use more weight.

Use resistance. 

 Often I see trainees performing exercises such as back extensions and glute-ham raises to develop the glutes, but they err by using little or no resistance. This approach will be ineffective for anyone except beginners with extremely low strength levels.


JÖRG LINDER AKTIV-TRAINING - Ihr Personal Fitness Trainer für Baden-Baden, Rastatt, Ortenau, Breisgau, Karlsruhe, Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar, Germersheim, Speyer, Pforzheim, Schwarzwald

Mauerbergstraße 110
76534 Baden-Baden
Tel.: 07223 / 8004699
Mobil: 0177 / 4977232
Fax: 07223 / 8005271 

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