XING-Profil - Jörg H.Linder

Jörg H. Linder

Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2018

Einen Weg offen lassen

Mögen die Grenzen, an die du stößt,
einen Weg für deine Träume offen lassen.

Irischer Segenswunsch

Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2018

Stille Wunder

Mögest Du Dir die Zeit nehmen,
die stillen Wunder zu feiern,
die in der lauten Welt
keine Bewunderer haben.
Irischer Segenswunsch


Freitag, 14. Dezember 2018

Kettlebell Januar 2019

Kettlebell für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene in Baden-Baden

Kettlebell für Einsteiger / Samstag, 26.01.2019 in Baden-Baden-Neuweier:

Kosten: 67,90.- Euro netto zzgl 19% Mwst

Kettlebell für Fortgeschrittene / Sonntag, 27.01.2019 in Baden-Baden-Neuweier:

Kosten: 67,90.- Euro netto zzgl 19% Mwst

Anmeldung /

Kettlebell Personal Training (für 1 - 2 Personen)

Trainingsinhalte analog Kettlebell-Workshops (s.o.) 

1 - 2 Termine a jeweils 3 Stunden:



Donnerstag, 1. November 2018

… you don’t do things right once in a while

“Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all the time thing. You don’t win once in a while… you don’t do things right once in a while… you do them right all the time. Winning is habit.”  

– Vince Lombardi


Montag, 29. Oktober 2018

Better focus

“I believe in training alone—it develops better focus, reduces distraction and is good for the soul.” 

Paul Wade


Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2018


“True brawn and power are developed by hard training sessions, not by long training sessions. Quality over quantity is an excellent motto for strength.” 

Paul Wade


Donnerstag, 27. September 2018

And you don't need awesome weightlifting shoes....

"....You don’t need a better computer to become a good writer. You don't need a better guitar to learn how to play. You don't need a better camera to become a good photographer. You don't need more experience to become a public speaker. You don't need more credentials to build a business. And you don't need awesome weightlifting shoes to become a good weightlifter.

You don't need any of it.

What you do need is to make a decision, set a schedule, and get started.

What you need is to do the work."  

- James Clear


Samstag, 15. September 2018


Kettlebell für Einsteiger / Samstag, 29.09.2018 in Baden-Baden-Neuweier:

Kosten: 67,90.- Euro netto zzgl 19% Mwst

Kettlebell für Fortgeschrittene / Sonntag, 30.09.2018 in Baden-Baden-Neuweier:

Kosten: 67,90.- Euro netto zzgl 19% Mwst

Anmeldung /

Kettlebell Personal Training (für 1 - 2 Personen)

Trainingsinhalte analog Kettlebell-Workshops (s.o.) 

1 - 2 Termine a jeweils 3 Stunden:



Dienstag, 14. August 2018

The Myth of Passion and Motivation

"......On this particular day in the gym, there was a coach visiting who had worked with thousands of athletes over his long career, including some nationally-ranked athletes and Olympians.
I had just finished my workout when I asked him, “What’s the difference between the best athletes and everyone else. What do the really successful people do that most people don’t?”
He briefly mentioned the things that you might expect. Genetics. Luck. Talent.
But then he said something I wasn’t expecting.
“At some point,” he said, “it comes down to who can handle the boredom of training every day and doing the same lifts over and over and over again.”
That piece of advice surprised me because it’s a different way of thinking about work ethic.
Most of the time people talk about getting motivated and “amped up” to work on their goals. Whether it's business or sports or art, you will commonly hear people say things like, “it all comes down to having enough passion.”
As a result, I think many people get depressed when they lose focus or motivation because they think that successful people have some unstoppable passion and willpower that they seem to be missing. But that’s exactly the opposite of what this coach was saying.
Instead, he was saying that really successful people feel the same boredom and the same lack of motivation that everyone else feels. They don’t have some magic pill that makes them feel ready and inspired every day. But the difference is that the people who stick with their goals don’t let their emotions determine their actions. Top performers still find a way to show up, to work through the boredom, and to embrace the daily practice that is required to achieve their goals.
According to him, it’s this ability to do the work when it’s not easy that separates the top performers from everyone else. That's the difference between professionals and amateurs.

Working When Work Isn’t Easy

Anyone can work hard when they feel motivated.
When I was an athlete, I loved going to practice the week after a big win. Who wouldn’t? Your coach is happy, your teammates are pumped up, and you feel like you can beat anyone. As an entrepreneur, I love working when customers are rolling in and things are going well. Getting results has a way of propelling you forward.
But what about when you’re bored? What about when the work isn’t easy? What about when it feels like nobody is paying attention or you’re not getting the results you want?
Are you willing to work through 10 years of silence?
It's the ability to work when work isn't easy that makes the difference.----"



Master of Arts in Gesundheitsmanagement und Prävention
Triathlon-Trainer-B-Lizenz (Langdistanz)
Kontakt /Mail:

Montag, 13. August 2018

Kettlebell in Baden-Baden

Kettlebell für Einsteiger / Samstag, 29.09.2018 in Baden-Baden-Neuweier:

Kosten: 67,90.- Euro netto zzgl 19% Mwst

Kettlebell für Fortgeschrittene / Sonntag, 30.09.2018 in Baden-Baden-Neuweier:

Kosten: 67,90.- Euro netto zzgl 19% Mwst

Anmeldung /

Kettlebell Personal Training (für 1 - 2 Personen)

Trainingsinhalte analog Kettlebell-Workshops (s.o.) 

1 - 2 Termine a jeweils 3 Stunden:



Sonntag, 5. August 2018

Volume before intensity

"Success in the gym, as with most things in life, comes down to mastering the basics.

With that in mind, here are 6 exercise tips, weightlifting basics, the best exercises to start with, and training essentials that nobody wants to believe, but everyone should follow......

...Start light and train for volume before intensity.
Ask most people if they had a good workout and they'll say things like, “Oh yeah, it was so intense.” Or, “I'm going to be so sore tomorrow.” Or, “I finished my workout by doing a set to failure.”

It's great to push yourself, but the biggest mistake that most people make is not building a foundation of strength. Everyone wants to jump in and max out with a weight that is “hard.” That's exactly the wrong way to do it. Your workouts should be easy in the beginning. (See: How to Start Working Out.)

Training to failure is a good way to wear yourself down, not build yourself up. You should have reps left in you at the end of your workout (and at the end of each set)...."



Master of Arts in Gesundheitsmanagement und Prävention
Triathlon-Trainer-B-Lizenz (Langdistanz)
Kontakt /Mail:

Dienstag, 31. Juli 2018

The Difference Between Progress and Achievement

".....Our society is obsessed with achievement. This is especially true in the gym.
I'm just as guilty of this as anyone else. Last week, a guy at my gym clean and jerked 325 pounds and made it look easy. My first question to him was, “What’s your max?”
I didn’t say, “How is your training going?” or “Have you been making progress recently?” but rather, “What is the absolute maximum weight you can do?”
My question was all about what he could achieve, not how he has progressed.
And you’ll find that mentality everywhere. Nobody is going to celebrate you for going up 1 pound per week. Everybody wants you to try for 10 more pounds right now.
Here’s the problem: a focus on achievement in the here and now usually comes at the expense of slower, more consistent progress. Achievement is so ingrained in our culture that we often ignore progress. (Of course, focusing on progress would ultimately lead to higher achievement, but it’s easy to dismiss that fact when you want to set a new PR today.)
I’m still learning to embrace this principle myself, but I'm getting better at it. And here's what I've learned about training for slow progress rather than immediate achievement....."

Source: James Clear  / 


Master of Arts in Gesundheitsmanagement und Prävention
Triathlon-Trainer-B-Lizenz (Langdistanz)
Kontakt /Mail:

Dienstag, 3. April 2018

Lift it

 Bild:  Jörg Linder

Lift it


Master of Arts in Gesundheitsmanagement und Prävention 
Keynote: Wer fit ist hat mehr vom Leben!  (auf Anfrage!) 
Gesundheits- und Bewegungstraining vor Ort (auf Anfrage!)
Mobil: 0177 / 4977232

Samstag, 3. Februar 2018


                   Bild:  Jörg Linder



Master of Arts in Gesundheitsmanagement und Prävention 
Keynote: Wer fit ist hat mehr vom Leben!  (auf Anfrage!) 
Gesundheits- und Bewegungstraining vor Ort (auf Anfrage!)
Mobil: 0177 / 4977232

Montag, 22. Januar 2018

Kettlebell / März / April 2018

Einsteiger / Samstag, 31.03.2018 in Baden-Baden-Neuweier:

Kosten: 67,90.- Euro netto zzgl 19% Mwst

Fortgeschrittene / Sonntag, 01.04.2018 in Baden-Baden-Neuweier:

Kosten: 67,90.- Euro netto zzgl 19% Mwst

Anmeldung /

Kettlebell Personal Training (für 1 - 2 Personen)

Trainingsinhalte analog Kettlebell-Workshops (s.o.) 

1 - 2 Termine a jeweils 3 Stunden:



Dienstag, 16. Januar 2018

Kettlebell Double Clean and Jerk

Trainingsplanung Einsteiger
Long Cycle / Double Clean and Jerk
6 - 8 Intervalle á 1min
8 - 12kg  (je Kugel)

12 Wiederholungen pro Minute
Pause: 30 - 60 Sekunden


Master of Arts in Gesundheitsmanagement und Prävention 
Keynote: Wer fit ist hat mehr vom Leben!  (auf Anfrage!) 
Gesundheits- und Bewegungstraining vor Ort (auf Anfrage!)
Mobil: 0177 / 4977232

Dienstag, 9. Januar 2018

Lifting weights will make women fit and strong

Females don't have the same level of testosterone as men do. 

Lifting weights will make females look athletic, lean, fit and strong - but not bulky.

Sonntag, 7. Januar 2018

May the sun shine warm upon your face

May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of his hand. 
Irish Blessing 

Dienstag, 2. Januar 2018

Saustark 2018!!!

  Bild:  Jörg Linder

Saustark 2018


Master of Arts in Gesundheitsmanagement und Prävention 
Keynote: Wer fit ist hat mehr vom Leben!  (auf Anfrage!) 
Gesundheits- und Bewegungstraining vor Ort (auf Anfrage!)
Mobil: 0177 / 4977232